Friday, 27 April 2012

A-Z of Substandard Superheroes: B is for Bruno, Bear Wrestler

Lost as a cub and raised by a troop of traveling Mexican wrestlers Bruno now wrestles for the forces of good. Is there nothing he won't wrestle?

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A-Z of Substandard Superheroes: A is for Accident Man.

Over the coming weeks I'm going to be serialising an A-Z. I've always wanted to do one because you know how to start it and how to finish. It's going to be about superheroes because I've always had a thing for capes and it's going to be weird because it's not easy filling in all those letters with sensible things. Also, they're all rubbish. You wouldn't want any of these guys saving you from a lycra clad villain. 

Let us begin. A is for Accident Man.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Egg Factory

Do you know where your easter egg came from?